Street-hail and ride-hail operators set their own fares, which take into account the supply and demand for such services. Some operators also offer customised services that cater to commuters with pets and families with young children. For every service
type, operators have the flexibility to set fares which both their drivers and commuters can accept.
While the Public Transport Council (PTC) does not intervene in the setting of fares, the PTC ensures that fares are transparent, clearly communicated, and easy to understand so that commuters can make an informed choice about the type of service to use.

For taxi trips based on metered fares, licensed operators are required to publish the booking charges, metered charges per distance and other surcharges. For ride-hail trips based on flat fares, operators have to make clear to commuters, at the point
of booking, the fare that will be charged for the trip. Operators also have to publish the quantum for any additional charges that may be levied (e.g. fee for unplanned additional stops).
To safeguard the interests of drivers and their commuters, PTC will take action against fare evasion by commuters and overcharging by drivers for trips booked through licensed street-hail and ride-hail operators.