Active Mobility Infrastructure

WhatWeDo - Active Mobility



Infrastructure is at the heart of what we do. We build new paths, roads and community spaces to provide people with a safe and conducive environment. We also improve existing infrastructure to accommodate different types of users.


Islandwide Cycling Network Programme (ICN)

We are expanding our cycling path network, to  around 1,300km  islandwide by 2030. We are aiming for all HDB towns to  have cycling path networks connecting commuters from their homes to MRT stations, bus interchanges and nearby shopping malls and schools. In some areas,   cycling paths will also connect one HDB town to another, to facilitate inter-town commutes.


Cycling paths are coated with a skid-resistant material and coloured terracotta red for better visibility. At potential conflict areas, “SLOW’ markings, speed regulating strips, and signages are installed to alert cyclists and active mobility device users to slow down and look out for pedestrians.




Supporting Active Mobility Infrastructure


We are also building more bicycle parking spaces and bicycle crossings to improve safety and convenience. Where feasible, paths behind bus stops will be widened to channel cyclists  and facilitate safer path sharing between cyclists and pedestrians.


AM-AM Infrastructure


Road Repurposing Works

To create a more liveable and inclusive environment, we are exploring potential locations where suitable road spaces can be converted into footpaths, cycling paths and bus lanes. Some of these road repurposing works have been implemented at Kampung Admiralty, Havelock Road, and the Civic District. We engaged Residents and nearby businesses during the process of implementing these projects to ensure that any permanent infrastructure would meet the communities’ needs. The projects have been well-received by the community.


AM-AM Infra-road repurposing works


On-Road Cycling Lane

Since 2017, the expanded Tanah Merah Coast Road features a dedicated cycling lane for cyclists, such as competitive cyclists, who prefer cycling on roads.


Since April 2023, the Sunday Cycling Lane at West Camp Road, has been closed to cars on Sunday mornings from 5am – 11am; buses are still operational on the lanes during these hours.




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