
Written Reply to Parliamentary Questions on Oversight of Maintenance Schedules of and Use of Predictive Maintenance Systems by Rail Operators

15 Oct 2024In Parliament
Mr Sharael Taha asked the Minister for Transport with regard to the East-West MRT line disruption in September 2024 

a.     whether proper procedures have been followed; 

b.     whether the rail track damage may well have been safely avoided; 

c.     what is the total cost of the disruption, including repair works and provision of bus services; and 

d.     how and who will cover the cost of the disruption.

Miss Cheryl Chan Wei Ling asked the Minister for Transport 

a.     what plans are in place for the Ministry to guide and monitor the fleet maintenance regime of MRT operators; and 

b.     how does the Ministry ensure that best practices or digitalisation improvements to augment MRT fleet performance are implemented on a timely basis.

Mr Edward Chia Bing Hui asked the Minister for Transport with regard to the train disruption on the East-West MRT Line 

a.     what measures are in place to ensure the welfare and safety of staff who work overtime during the disruption; 

b.     how does the Ministry ensure fair compensation for the overtime hours worked; and 

c.     whether details can be provided on the procurement procedures for engaging third-party services and sourcing of parts in emergencies such as the recent train disruption.

Reply by Minister for Transport Chee Hong Tat:

1.     This question has been answered in the Ministerial Statement “A Safe, Reliable, and Resilient Rail System” at the Sitting on 15 October 2024.


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