Mr Alex Yam Ziming asked the Minister for Transport
a. what plans does LTA have to further enhance road safety awareness amongst drivers and road users; and
b. whether road design and traffic mitigation measures are currently sufficient in high traffic areas.
Reply by Minister for Transport Chee Hong Tat:
1. Singapore’s roads are designed with safety in mind. The alignment and profile of our roads are designed in accordance with recommended international guidelines.
2. LTA also conducts annual road safety audits. Where necessary, traffic calming measures such as road humps and speed regulating strips, and pedestrian channelisation measures are also put in place to further mitigate accident risks.
3. Besides infrastructure enhancements, driving behaviour is also critical to road safety. The LTA works closely with the Traffic Police (TP) and the Singapore Road Safety Council to organise various educational campaigns to raise awareness of and promote good road user behaviour.
4. In addition, TP actively enforces against errant road users through speed cameras and its enforcement officers. With ERP 2.0, we will also push forth notifications on school zones, safety zones, speed camera zones, bus lanes, and traffic incidents to motorists through the On-Board Unit, to help increase their awareness of their surroundings and enhance safety.