
Written Reply to Parliamentary Question on Regulatory Supervision over Rail Operators' Decisions in Areas such as Rail Maintenance Procedures

16 Oct 2024In Parliament
Mr Saktiandi Supaat asked the Minister for Transport

a.     what is the extent of regulatory supervision exercised by the Ministry over the rail operators' operational decisions in areas such as train and rail maintenance procedures; 

b.     how have the train and rail maintenance procedures been enhanced for service reliability since the serious disruptions of MRT train services in 2011 and 2017; and 

c.     how is the balance struck between the costs of over-maintenance and the prevention of avoidable disruption incidents.

Reply by Minister for Transport Chee Hong Tat:

1.     This question has been answered in the Ministerial Statement “A Safe, Reliable, and Resilient Rail System” at the Sitting on 15 October 2024.


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