
Written Reply to Parliamentary Question on Obtaining and Disseminating Threat Intelligence Related to Airline Routes and Ensuring Safety of these Routes

05 Feb 2025In Parliament
Mr Gerald Giam Yean Song asked the Minister for Transport 

a.     how does the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) collaborate with international bodies to obtain and disseminate threat intelligence to Singapore-registered carriers; 

b.     what criteria are used by CAAS to determine the safety of air routes; and 

c.     whether CAAS requires Singapore-registered carriers to ensure flight crews are trained and equipped to manage security risks during flights near conflict areas.

Reply by Minister for Transport Chee Hong Tat:

1.     Safety of flights and passengers is a top priority for the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) and Singapore-registered air carriers.

2.     We have protocols in place to disseminate threat intelligence to Singapore-registered carriers to ensure they are aware of any ongoing risks in their flight routes. The carriers conduct risk assessments and implement risk mitigation measures before every flight, including taking appropriate measures to avoid conflict zones. They also use threat information from aviation security consultants to develop contingency plans and backup routes, and train their flight crews for rerouting during flights.

3.     CAAS conducts regular safety audits to ensure that Singapore-registered air carriers have proper processes to assess and mitigate flight safety risks, including those arising from conflict zones.

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