
Written Reply to Parliamentary Question on More Options and Benefits for Off-Peak Car Scheme

07 Nov 2023In Parliament
Mr Gan Thiam Poh asked the Minister for Transport whether the Ministry will review the existing Weekend Car, Off-Peak Car and Revised Off-Peak Car schemes, and introduce more off-peak car scheme options with additional benefits.

Reply by Acting Minister for Transport Chee Hong Tat:

1.     The Weekend Car Scheme, launched in 1991, aimed to make car ownership more affordable for those who do not need to use their cars during peak hours. In the current version since 2010, the Revised Off-Peak Car Scheme (ROPC) allows owners to use the vehicles for the full day on Saturdays, Sundays, Public Holidays and on the Eve of five Public Holidays.

2.     Car ownership is but one part of our land transport system. Singaporeans will continue to enjoy a more extensive and better-connected public transport network over time. For those who still wish to own a car and use it generally during off-peak periods, the ROPC remains a viable alternative. We will continue to conduct regular reviews of the ROPC scheme, and introduce more options, if necessary, to meet the transport needs of Singaporeans.

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