
Written Reply to Parliamentary Question on Introducing Regulations for Seamless Refunds for Significant Flight Delays Based on International Norms

16 Oct 2024In Parliament
Mr Melvin Yong Yik Chye asked the Minister for Transport in respect of the plan by a neighbouring country to require airlines to provide full refunds to passengers of flights delayed by at least five hours. 

a.     whether the Ministry will consider introducing regulations to facilitate hassle-free refunds by airlines to passengers for significant flight delays; and 

b.     what is the international norm for compensation and refunds for flight delays.

Reply by Minister for Transport Chee Hong Tat:

1.     There is no international norm for compensation and refunds for flight delays, as different countries adopt different approaches. In Singapore, passenger interests are safeguarded under the national-level consumer protection framework through the Consumer Association of Singapore or the Small Claims Tribunal as set out under the Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) Act. Passengers who experienced flight delays can pursue claims through these channels against the airlines involved.

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